Evil is born from the delusion of separateness.
This was originally titled, "Evil is born from the illusion of separateness."
I changed it to, "Evil
Ego reacts to ego.
Or, perhaps I should say, only ego reacts to ego.
The true face of compassion?
When I began my active foray into the practice of nothingness two months ago, much time was initially spent floating
Clear perception helps me to do less harm to self and others.
Why I value and am committed to defining and practicing clear perception in my life.
Extracted from my recent post:
The self can become obsessed with confirming existence.
The seduction of the self is far more subtle than the seduction of the ego, yet no less as ensnaring.
The pause.
Late last week, I started feeling… a pause, within me. And I admit, I felt a twinge of worry.
'Tis more important to care about how I perceive rather than how I am perceived.
Compassion and obsession cannot co-exist, I do believe.
As I evolve, my frame shifts; with it, my perception. Thus, all in constant motion; nothing remains the same.
Clear perception moves with the frame. I'm not trying to stay still. Nothingness is empty, yet constantly changing.
Embodied clear perception.
In the Chan/Zen tradition of Buddhism, 見性 (kenshō) is insight into the essence of one's own being[
The more I grasp, the more I am like the fly, thrashing in the spider's web.
The more I grasp, the more I thrash, the more the web collapses around me, and the less I see