Silver Huang

I refuse to dehumanize those who dehumanize, for once I do, I am no different from them.

I refuse to dehumanize those who dehumanize, for once I do, I am no different from them.

That doesn't mean I don't insist on holding them to full accountability for their harmful impacts.
Moving into the how.

Moving into the how.

I wrote to a friend last week, "I'm evolving again, and I am entering the next chapter.
8 min read
Whenever there is the compulsion to "save the world", it is almost always the ego wishing to play the saviour.

Whenever there is the compulsion to "save the world", it is almost always the ego wishing to play the saviour.

compulsion ( noun) * the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint * an irresistible urge to behave
Creating space for new creative babies.

Creating space for new creative babies.

Starting next week, I will be taking one week off per month (during the dark moon) from my publishing schedule,
1 min read
One key to friendship is not assuming, needing, nor expecting my friends to be exactly like me.

One key to friendship is not assuming, needing, nor expecting my friends to be exactly like me.

After all, they are their own persons, not clones of me. If I'm looking for clones of me,
Life as art.

Life as art.

Life artist. The words dropped into my head some time ago. Life as art. Then I found this page and
4 min read
I am becoming leery of any solutions to collective problems that start with, "Everyone should..."

I am becoming leery of any solutions to collective problems that start with, "Everyone should..."

That is not to say we should not continue to stand and fight for human rights. I'm just
1 min read
Aloneness and loneliness are not the same thing.

Aloneness and loneliness are not the same thing.

As I wrote recently to a dear friend, edited for clarity: Aloneness is unavoidable, a legitimate suffering, and it alone
1 min read
Why make meaning?

Why make meaning?

In my last Articlish post, The true face of compassion? I wrote: It occurred to me that I appear to
4 min read
Evil is born from the delusion of separateness.

Evil is born from the delusion of separateness.

This was originally titled, "Evil is born from the illusion of separateness." I changed it to, "Evil
1 min read